There will be times when you hire new staff and you want them to learn to use the functional modules associated with their duties. You can give them the user manual, show them the online virtual training courses using the educational database, or you can call Full Circle!
We can tailor training to your individual needs, function by function, using your data – providing services either on-site or via Web Based software.
When you want to leverage the absolute most out of your business / business system, we offer a full systems audit.
- We begin with a review of the corporate Vision and Mission and Strategic Objectives.
- Holding that as the foundational direction of the organization, we then review your business processes from “Cradle to Grave”.
- Once we understand the general “current state” of each business process we marry that up with the business direction and make recommendations on how to improve efficiency, effectiveness, insight.
- Each recommendation is graded by effort required and complexity, then we collaboratively prioritize each recommendation according to how it fits into the short medium and long term organizational goals.
There are several circumstances that may require you to implement new functionality from scratch, or re-implement functionality you have already been using. We work with you to understand the requirements, develop an implementation plan, and follow it through to completion.
A new initiative by one of your Customers
- Competitive pressure on pricing
- A rapid change in the size of your organization
- Governmental Regulations
- Your desire to get more detail out of your current implementation
When your needs are to improve a specific area of your environment, let us facilitate a team-based approach to re-engineering that business process.
- We will start at the beginning by examining all the outputs necessary from the business process
- Examine as a group your system & business process to form a “Current Reality-based” perspective
- We then start from scratch to Re-invent that process, ensuring that it will yield the most efficient and effective outcome that will fit your business needs